Analisis Modifikasi Pemasangan Fuel Filter Terhadap Fuel Rail Pressure Common Rail Pada Chevrolet Captiva
Tekanan Bahan Bakar, Filter Bahan Bakar, Fuel Rail Pressure, Fuel Filter, Fuel PressureAbstract
Tujuan dari penelitian untuk mengetahui kondisi fuel filter yang dapat berfungsi dengan baik setelah dimodifikasi pada mobil Chevrolet Captiva. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode eksperimen dan dalam penelitian ini data dikumpulkan melalui instrumen data pengujian dalam tabel yang kemudian dianalisis menggunakan teknik deskriptif rata-rata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebelum dilakukan modifikasi pemasangan fuel filter tekanan bahan bakar di fuel rail pressure pada jarak tempuh 3000 km sebesar 97.946 Kpa. Saat dilakukan akselerasi lampu check engine menyala, sedangkan setelah dilakukan modifikasi pemasangan fuel filter didapatkan bahwa tekanan bahan bakar di fuel rail pressure pada jarak tempuh 3000 km sebesar 149.296 Kpa dan saat dilakukan akselerasi lampu check engine tidak menyala. Dapat disimpulkan setelah dilakukan modifikasi pemasangan fuel filter pada mobil Chevrolet Captiva kondisi fuel filter mampu berfungsi dengan baik sebagaimana mestinya.
The purpose of the research is to determine the condition of the fuel filter which can function properly after being modified on the Chevrolet Captiva car. This research was conducted using an experimental method and in this research data was collected through test data instruments in tables which were then analyzed using average descriptive techniques. The results of the research show that before the modification of the installation of the fuel filter, the fuel pressure in the fuel rail pressure at a distance of 3000 km was 97,946 Kpa. When accelerating, the check engine light comes on, whereas after modifying the installation of the fuel filter, it is found that the fuel pressure in the fuel rail pressure at a distance of 3000 km is 149,296 Kpa and when accelerating, the check engine light does not come on. It can be concluded that after modifying the installation of the fuel filter on the Chevrolet Captiva the condition of the fuel filter is able to function properly as it should.
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